Space always tells, without exception, a story.
A story that wraps its users and has the power to transport them into a specific mood and approach to their environment, those around them and, lastly, themselves. A way to relate to the world.

At 2BOLD, we are keen on spaces that answer this matter categoricallly. And there’s something they all have in common: they are the translation of an abstract idea into a physical experience.

Keeping present that space can be an impactful change agent, each of our projects is faced with a research an innovative approach.

This attitude will afterwards be materialized into the reinvention of programmatic solutions, the creation of custom-made systems and, ultimately, new ways of developing activities.

Over the years, we have applied our knowledge on architecture, product design and design thinking to a varied range of projects, both, built and strategic.

From working and education environments, to restoration and retail, as well as more experimental and ephemeral contexts such as stage design or an installation for a creative event.

Because magic happens when ideas get turned into space.


nextail logo
Beonit logo. 2BOLD clients. Workplace design.
2BOLD clients Bdeo Madrid Spain workplace design
studio banana logo
marmota logo
utopicus logo
Ayuda en Acción logo
spy logo
esi logo
mindway logo
miami ad school
Esadcyl logo


Gemma Portella logo
Viuda de Ramírez logo
Creative Mornings logo
Team 4 Ghana logo
Cardenas Lorenzo logo
La Mojigata logo
meds logo
Oa estudio logo
juan martinez logo
bwuelke logo
The Dot logo
Soriano Blanco logo